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Stuart Zoble, Ph.D.








Bio.   Stuart was a faculty member at Wesleyan University (2002-2003, 2006-2008), the University of Toronto (2004-2006) and Boise State University (2003-2004) and a Research Fellow at the Humboldt Univeritaet zu Berlin (1996-1997, 1998-1999), and made extended research visits at Paris VII Equipe de Logique, Mathematisches Forschungsinstutut Oberwolfach, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin and UC Berkeley.  He taught over two dozen courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels including Forcing Theory, Descriptive Set Theory, Combinatorics, Real and Complex Analysis, Mathematics for Economists, Foundations of Mathematics, Differential Equations, Advanced Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus.  He won the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award at Berkeley.  


Since 2009, Stuart has been in the private sector, co-founding and serving as Co-CEO or CEO of several start-ups including Rising Tide Games (acquired by Zynga in 2015), Mitosis Games (acquired by PlayChannel in 2022) and Signal Fox, a marketing analytics company based in Princeton, NJ.


M.A. Economics, Yale University 2000-2002

C.Phil., M.A., Ph.D. Mathematics, University of California at Berkeley, 1994-2000

B.S. Mathematics, University of Kansas, 1991-1994


1.  Stationary Reflection and the Universal Baire Property, Fundamenta Mathematicae, Vol. 191, 45-56 (2006)

2. On a Fragment of the Universal Baire Property for \Sigma^1_2 Sets, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 136, 1807-1814 (2008)

3. Baire Reflection, (with S Todorcevic) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol 360 No 12, 6181-6195 (2008)

4. Determinacy from Strong Reflection, (with J Steel) Trans. of the Amer. Math. Soc. Vol 366 No 8, 4443-4490 (2014)

5. On the Extender Algebra Being Complete, (with R Ketchersid) Math Logic Quart. 52 No 6, 531-533 (2006)

6. Bounded Martin's Maximum with Many Witnesses, accepted at JSL (2008)

7. Topological Group Criterion for C(X) in Compact-Open-Like Topologies I, (with R Ball, V Gochev, A Hager, S  Todorcevic), Topology and Its Applications 156, 710-720 (2009)

8. Topological Group Criterion for C(X) in Compact-Open-Like Topologies II, (with R Ball, V Gochev, A Hager), Topology and Its Applications 156, 2560-2564 (2009)

9. Renyi Entropy, Signed Probabilities, and the Qubit, (with A Brandenburger and P La Mura), Entropy Vol 24 No 10 (2022)

10. Complexity of a Rational Decision, (with J Clemens), in preparation


Stuart Zoble

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